Machinery, small batch production of stoves. Another of our development partners. Romotop company has actively participated in connection of Dialog 3000S with CAD systems.
Year of implementation: 2000 I. stage, 2007 II. stage
Number of system users: 80
Implemented modules: Financial complex, Purchasing and sales, Production management, Salaries a HR, Attendance, Financial office, CRM, ABC, Documentation management, E-warehouse with wi-fi, E-OTK (Operational quality check directly in production) with wi-fi, support for laquering line.
Main areas:
Complex solution, automated data collection, ABC module implementation for evaluation and management of cost processes, cooperation with ERP – JetCam. Implemented planning process for serial production. Purchasing activities originate from prospective sales plans. Quality check of all production system is entrusted to IS Dialog 3000S. IS monitors keeping parameters of laquering process too.
With the implementation of Dialog 3000S paper documentation has been replaced with electronic forms to a big extent.