Tůma aerospace
Job production and serial production; processing of casts, products from non-ferrous metals. A company has three separate workplaces. It was important to make the information flow more effective between individual places. It was achieved thanks to PDA scanners. Before implementation of Dialog 3000S for order recording a shared document had been used. It was possible to enter data by one person only, and any attempt of finding anything had not been effective and all information had to be entered manually. By implementing Dialog 3000S the processes were automated. A lot of pressure was put on the company from the side of customers, who required supplies of proper parts in required amount and time. It was possible to achieve improvement thanks to product record done via bar codes. A deciding factor was a complete solution from one supplier (HW and SW).
Year of implementation: 2013
Numer of system users: 3
Implemented modules: Purchasing and Sales, Production management, CRM module and mail, HR, Laboratory, Financial complex, salaries, E-warehouse, B2B module
Main areas:
Implementation was done in two steps. First an investor decided to implement basic modules only: Purchasing and sales, Production management, Data collection and Attendance. During the implementation it was decided that the system will be extended to module structures such as Accounting, E-warehouse, Laboratory (check of materials at the entry and interoperational check) and B2B. An important factor for this decision was a recognition of advantages coming from being supplied by one source and making processes in the company more effective.
During the implementation the very investor was trained by our consultants. He tried Dialog 3000S and its functions himself. Afterwards he passed his knowledge and visions about working with the system to his employees. Thanks to PDA scanners and online data entry to system, the record of production has become more transparent in all workplaces. Based on remote access the users are able to process the agenda whenever and wherever. An interesting thing is supplying the so called birth certificate of a product, where a customer gets all necessary information about material origin (certification). Introduction of production waybills in production helped to make the manufacturing effective. You can find there all part corrections along with the drawings. This way it is not necessary to prepare operations and drawing documentation separately. Moreover, the documentation is always up to date.