Gumárny Zubří
Rubber factory is one of the first companies, which implemented Dialog 2000C first and later moved on to Dialog 3000S in its current form. We have developed an application for mixture preparation for this company. In it Dialog 3000S communicates with weighing scales and monitors mixture preparation for pressing rubber carpets and rubber.
Year of implementation: 2000
Number of system users: 150 – 200
Number of employees: 900
Implemented modules: Financial complex, Purchasing and sales, E-shop, Production management, Operation scanning, Salaries and HR, Attendance, Dining system, Financial office, CRM, EDI, DDT (Document Driver Tools) – electronic documentation. Special application for managing weighing line.
Main areas:
Detailed monitoring of production aimed at back tracking of product parameters for army orders, automated data collection from production lines. Tracking orders for automotive industry, connection of IS Dialog 3000S with weighing line. Implemented complex management of the company and controlling. DDT (Document Driver Tools) used in practice for administration of electronic documentation and redundant data centers. Company kitchen and canteen is managed by an integrated Dialog 3000S dining system. IS is also used by company shop as well as their e-shop.