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Cookie statement

Company Control spol. Using Google Analytics, provided by Google, Inc. to better understand website visitors, (“Google”).

Google use cookies (text files stored on your computer) that allow you to analyze how to use the site. The information generated by a cookie about the use of the site (including your IP address) will be transferred to and stored on servers in the United States. All such data will be processed anonymously. The data is intended solely for the evaluation of the use of the site. Anonymity is guaranteed by the fact that Google will not associate your IP address with any other data it has at its disposal. No sensitive data will be sent to Google, such as e-mail, name, phone number.

You may refuse to use cookies to prevent you from collecting data about you. You can do this by choosing your browser settings. For some browsers, you can install the Plugin for opt-out from a cookie ad that will prevent your data from being sent to Google.

By using this site, you agree to process data about your visit by Google in the manner and for the purpose stated above. The data obtained is stored for 14 months and then deleted.

We also use to analyze site visits. Leady primarily identifies companies that visited websites. The application simply identifies which company has accessed the site so that it is able to assign a visit to a legal entity, that is, a company. In this case, Leads do not assign visits to specific individuals or traders, but exclusively to limited liability companies or joint stock companies.

Leady contains, in some cases, the name of the company’s statutory company details. This information is available from the ARES public resource and is retrieved directly from the source index. There is no data processing on the application side but only for display. If it is desirable to ensure the export of names of traders is solved through direct connection to publicly available data. Visitor data is available in the application for 12 months.

The data displayed serves as a comparison with the business contacts database or as an incentive for the company to be included in the database.

We receive personal information through our contact form – email, phone and name. These personal data are used for reverse communication. In the case of a system inquiry for a company existing in our database, the data is stored in the company database of contacts, where we monitor the development of the communication.

Personal data is only for the purposes of Control spol. s r. o.

Each entity has the right to request access to personal data (to request a listing of personal data that are stored on you), then to request the deletion, correction or limitation of the processing, the right to object and also the portability.