The biggest extension of single functionalities of basic modules as well as communication technologies integration for customer support and customer ties in IS Dialog 3000S took place in 2000 – 2003. Modular structure extension of IS resulted in strengthening the team with a few specialists, creation of technical facilities and establishment of a training center for the system users. At the beginning of 2003 the company’s branch Control Informatika SR, s. r. o. was founded. Its main goal was to build a strong foreign partner in production management for the Slovak Republic.
By joining the EU in 2004 a need for accounting systems harmonization as well as business environment internalization arouse, which was also contributed to by Control company. We implemented IFRS and US GAAP accounting standards to accounting modules at the time. CRM technology support for customer relationship management was also put in place. By joining the EU interest in implementing Activity Based Costing (ABC) in manufacturing companies has risen. In this period the resulting system architecture was formed, its philosophy is a real support for the production and drawing inspiration for expanding from workshop experience and operation.
Applying DIALOG 3000S information system in basic manufacturing industries (machinery, rubber industry, furniture production, plastic production) resulted in preparing new application functions which based on MRPII method deal with capacity planning with the use of Gantt diagram, production technology, device maintenance or quality management in production management subsystem.
Real data is acquired directly from the production workshops (sites) with the use of recording modules running on touch terminals (recording operations and materials, expedition of finished products, resolving inconsistencies). As a matter of course we use direct IS connection with construction systems, systems for dividing and forming technology or other special production applications. The degree of connection is always dependent on customer needs.
There is a trend in the current production plant management which apart from on-line information gathering about operations performed by production workers at the shop floor terminals, also transfers data from production machines directly do information system database, where it is evaluated and and transformed into results for supervisors, head of production or production manager. This way our customers watch machine working time, numbers of liftings, energy output and further defined variables, which a measured device can provide (machine, technological line, weighing system).
In 2008 our company realized its biggest investment in its history so far. Control bought its own building which is now used as its headquarter in the Czech Republic and where a training centre was created. In April 2009 we started working on new premises and thanks to the new technical facilities we have been able to offer IT services in form of outsourcing, which is a paid access to using our hardware and software devices with a guaranteed customer service. It is a perfect solution for customer who does not want and this way does not have to pay a lump sum for his corporate infrastructure and software equipment. The same offer is provided by Control Informatika SR, s. r. o., where building purchase investment was accomplished in 2013.