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Courses and trainings

We look after a long term development of system skills of our users

Courses explain the basics of SQL language, which which then becomes the basic skill for creation of printed or information exits with the help of Infomarker tool. IS administrators will appreciate the possibility of improving their skills in the area of database and operation system. On the top level of this education there is a preparation of a user to create his own applications.


What can you learn with us?

Administration of system Dialog 3000Skylla

Course is aimed at beginning and long-term users of information system Dialog 3000S. According to level of skills of a given group appropriate course topics are chosen.  At customer’s request a course can be planned according to his needs and technical facilities, installation range, number of user activities, etc.

Report and screen creation in Dialog 3000Skylla system

Course is designed mainly for more advanced users and Dialog 3000Skylla system administrators, who are interested in making their own information exits in form of printed reports or screens. For this activity it is essential to know SQL language. The introductory part of the course is devoted to that. Then a lecturer concentrates on information exits from the system itself.  Connecting course for further development of skills is Infomaker 11.

Infomaker 11 in Dialog 3000Skylla system

Course is aimed at handling software techniques and tools offered by Infomarker as a basic edit tool of a Sybase workshop. Course participant will gain theoretical and practical knowledge and experiences from programming and application units.

Linux I

Introductory course for beginners for work with Linux and Unix. Course participants receive basic information about Linux environment. This knowledge is sufficient for productive work and Linux system use, configuration with the use of command line and graphical interface.

Linux II

Follow-up course designed to develop skills in Linux administration to such a level that a user is  able to install, set up and connect a system to an existing net. The course involves practical training in Linux environment.

Administration ASE 15

Course is mainly aimed at administrators using database type ASE for their application systems. The goal of the course is to introduce  the features, settings and maintenance. After completing the course it is assumed that users will gain highly professional access to database administration.

Administration Sybase IQ

Course is designed for administrators using databases type ASE, Sybase IQ for their applications. Its aim is to introduce its features, settings and maintenance.

SQL Basic

The course is designed for beginners who will have knowledge of relational database and will get to know how to work with concrete data in database server.

SQL for advanced

Course participants will be familiarized with more complex elements of SQL language. More complicated choices and language commands, indexes and views are introduced to the users. Participants will learn about database model and with a use of this method during application creation.